In the midst of the unprecedented 2020 lockdown, a podcast emerged out of a shared longing to lend a helping hand to a world suddenly confined within the walls of their homes. Jane, drawing from her personal experiences with mental health challenges, and embarked on a mission to provide support to those facing similar struggles.
Through her podcast, Jane invites us on an intimate journey through the pages of her life, sharing experiences + stories that helped her stay sane during moments of despair. She believes in the transformative power of these conversations, guiding individuals towards self-awareness and the path to happiness. Jane's episodes cover a wide range of topics, from heart-wrenching stories that might bring tears to lighter moments, like humorous tales of dysfunctional Desi families.
Having successfully navigated Seasons 1 and 2, Jane is now gearing up for the eagerly anticipated Season 3, continuing to enrich lives with her heartfelt narratives and thought-provoking dialogues.